• 3925 Fortune Blvd Suite 2. Saginaw, MI 48603
  • 1115 S. Van Dyke Suite 2, Bad Axe, MI 48413
  • 4674 Hill Street, Cass City, MI 48726



Regular physical activity is good for everyone’s health! Physical activity is anything that gets your body moving.

Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week. And at least 2 days a week, do activities that strengthen your muscles.

If you haven’t been active before, start slowly. Even 5 minutes of physical activity has real health benefits! Once you get the hang of it, add a little more activity each time.

What kinds of activity should I do?

To get all the health benefits of physical activity, do a combination of aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities.

  • Aerobic activities make you breathe harder and get your heart beating faster. Walking fast is an example of aerobic activity.
  • Muscle-strengthening activities make your muscles stronger. Examples include lifting weights, using resistance bands, and doing push-ups.

Use these resources to learn more about physical activity for:


Health Benefits

What are the benefits of physical activity?

Physical activity increases your chances of living longer. It can also help:

  • Control your blood pressure, blood sugar, and weight
  • Lower your “bad” cholesterol and raise your “good” cholesterol
  • Prevent heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer

And that’s not all. Being more active can:

  • Boost your mood
  • Help you sleep better
  • Make your bones, muscles, and joints healthier
  • Lower your chances of becoming depressed
  • Lower your risk of falls and reduce arthritis pain
  • Help you have fun and feel better about yourself

Health Conditions

What if I have a health condition?

If you have a health condition like type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure, physical activity can help you manage it. Ask your doctor what types of activity are best for you.

You can also:

What if I have a disability?

If you have a disability, you can find safe, fun ways to get active. Talk with your doctor if you need help choosing the best activities for you. You can also use these tips to stay active with a disability.

What if I’m overweight?

If you’re overweight or have obesity, getting active can help you stop gaining weight and lower your risk of health problems like type 2 diabetes. Find out more about how you can stay active at any size.

Book your appointment online

Our simple to use, online appointment process makes it easy for you to book for any one of our services and doctors.

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